- Technology
- Music
- Fashion
- Local news
- Age related guidance/information
- Television/Films
- Arts
- Competitions
- Success rates
- Uniform staff
- Clubs/extra curricular
- Uniform
- Music
- Success rates
- Back to school guide
- Fashion
Kayleigh & Isla:
- "Someone Hot"
- Upcoming events
- Gossip
- Fashion
- Mini games
- Music
- Sports
- Upcoming events
- Fashion
- Television
- Science
Miss McDonald:
- Success stories
- Technology/Gadgets
- A day in the life of....
- Fashion
- Top 10's (Websites, Venues, Restaurants etc.)
- Recipes
I believe i got reasonably helpful responses from everyone from the class, definitely enough to give me a roughly great idea on which people would like what in their magazines, in order for me to create a relatively diverse topical magazine.
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