Friday, 3 May 2013

Researching Magazine Mastheads

I love the design of this magazine masthead, personally being into games i believe that the design  clears expectations of a gaming magazine's masthead, it is well layed out, neat as well creative. The colour scheme is very simple yet effective and the font is perfect as a representation for a gaming magazine, a retro games font. I believe this masthead is extremely effective.
The Masthead for Thrasher magazine is relatively graffiti like, correct for a skateboard magazine as skateboarders are generalized as youth/vandals, the colour scheme is plain and calm, the effectiveness of this masthead is good, it is noticeably a skate magazine.
The Rolling Stone magazine comes across as creative, the font is well rounded and coloured, creative and mature, almost gives off a sense of " rock and roll ". Music is a creative effort so i believe that this magazine masthead is most definitely surving it's purpose as to attract musicians/musically passionate, influenced and interested people.

The Independent masthead is plain and boring, considering this magazine is for an older age group of people this would typically attract them, the font is extremely plain as well the colour scheme is basic. The design scheme is perfectly set out and there looks like there isn't alot going on, this magazine is effective for a mature audience.

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